A Scholar's Devotion

A Scholar’s Devotion with Matt Haste

Going through seminary, students are taught to study the Bible and uphold its doctrines about God while also being encouraged not to neglect their devotional times with God. Yet during my own devotional time I, and probably many others, often asked myself, “Is this the best way to grow spiritually, or is there a better way? What could I do differently? Should I incorporate my studies with my devotions?”  

In this series I ask a different scholar two questions about how he or she spends time with the Lord and continues to love him with all their mind, strength, and heart. Since no one method or style is “the only way,” we can draw on one another’s experiences. 

This week I have asked Dr. Matt Haste if he would share his thoughts with us.

1. How do you spend your devotional time with the Lord?

I aim to spend devotional time with the Lord every morning during my first cup of coffee. I find that my mind is clearer and more reflective in the early morning hours and I enjoy starting my day with Scripture and prayer. Year to year, I tend to rotate between various approaches to both. One year I may follow a structured plan to read through the whole Bible and the next year I may divide the year into slow, careful studies of particular books or themes. This combination of breadth and depth has served me well.

I know many people prefer to divide their studies from their devotional life, but I have found it helpful to intentionally pair them together. If I am preparing to preach or teach a certain text, I will often spend my devotional time studying the passage for my own benefit, considering how I need to personally respond in faith and obedience before I attempt to exhort others. This practice may not be helpful for everyone, but it seems to follow the sequence of study modeled by Ezra, who “set his heart to study the Law of the LORD, and to do it and to teach his statutes and rules in Israel” (Ezra 7:10). I find that praying through the passage, and particularly using it to guide my prayers for specific needs in my own life and community, helps me to maintain the right posture of heart as I engage with the text throughout the week.

2. How do you practically seek to deepen your love for Christ?

Setting aside daily time to study the Scriptures and commune with Christ in prayer is essential. In my times of prayer, I try to give attention to expressing gratitude and praising God for particular blessings before I seek help through particular petitions and requests. I find that meditating on the gospel and the mercies of God in particular helps me to approach the Lord in a spirit of worship. My wife and I encourage one another in our walks with the Lord through regular conversations about what we are learning and try to pray together each evening. As a family, we prioritize life in our local church, where we benefit from faithful preaching, the steady examples of others, and the loving encouragement of fellow believers.

Matt Haste is Associate Professor of Biblical Spirituality & Biblical Counseling Director of Professional Doctoral Studies at SBTS. He has written Helped on Our Way to Heaven and co-authored The Pastor’s Life and Held in Honor. You can find him on Twitter

Thank you, Dr. Haste!

Other Scholars’ Devotions

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