Biblical Studies Jesus and the Gospels

Old Testament Prophecies in Matthew’s Gospel

Perhaps you’ve seen a table like this before, but in Kostenberger, Kellum, and Quarles’ NT Introduction The Cradle, the Cross, and the Crown, they provide a table of Jesus’ Fulfillment of OT Prophecy in Matthew’s Gospel. I thought I would include it here because, upon looking at it, there are plenty more fulfillments than I thought there were. Jesus is the Messiah predicted in the Hebrew Scriptures, a theme highlighted especially in Matthew 1-4. “Virtually every significant event in Jesus’ life is shown to fulfill Scripture” (214). It’s a bit cramped, but hopefully still readable.

Event in Jesus’ Life

Ā  Ā Matthew

OT Passage

The virgin birth and name of Jesus

Ā  Ā 1.22-23

Isa 7.14; 8.8,10

Bethlehem, Jesus’ birthplace

Ā  Ā 2.5-6

Mic 5.2

The flight to Egypt

Ā  Ā 2.15

Hos 11.1

The slaying of infants by Herod

Ā  Ā 2.18

Jer 31.15

Jesus called a Nazarene (“branch”)

Ā  Ā 2.23

Isa 11.1; 53.2

John the Baptist’s ministry

Ā  Ā 3.3; 11.10

Isa 40.3; Mal 3.1

The temptation of Jesus

Ā  Ā 4.1-11

Deut 6.13,16; 8.3

The beginning of Jesus’ ministry

Ā  Ā 4.15-16

Isa 9.1-2

Jesus’ healing ministry

Ā  Ā 8.17; 11.5; 12.17-21

Isa 53.4; 35.5-6; 42.18; 61.1

Division brought by Jesus

Ā  Ā 10.35-36

Mic 7.6

Jesus’ gentle style of ministry

Ā  Ā 12.17-21

Isa 42.1-4

Jesus’ death, burial, resurrection

Ā  Ā 12.40

Jonah 1.17

Hardened response to Jesus

Ā  Ā 13.14-15; 15.7-9; 21.33,42

Isa 5.1-2; 6.9-10; 29.13; Ps 118.22-23

Jesus’ teaching in parables

Ā  Ā 13.35

Ps 78.2

Jesus’ triumphal entry

Ā  Ā 21.5,9

Isa 62.11; Ps 118.26

Jesus’ cleansing of the temple

Ā  Ā 21.13

Isa 56.7; Jer 7.11

Jesus as Son and Lord of David

Ā  Ā 1.1; 22.44

Ps 110.1

Lament over Jerusalem

Ā  Ā 23.38-39

Jer 12.7; 22.5; Ps 118.26

Judas’ betrayal of Jesus

Ā  Ā 26.15

Zech 11.12

Peter’s denial

Ā  Ā 26.31

Zech 13.7

Jesus’ arrest

Ā  Ā 26.54,56

The Scriptures, the Prophets

Judas’s death

Ā  Ā 27.9-10

Zech 11.12-13; Jer 32.6-9

Jesus the righteous sufferer

Ā  Ā 27.34-35,39,43,46,48

Pss 22.1,7-8,18; 69.21

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  1. I was on an airplane, reading my Bible, while waiting for the rest of the passengers to get their seats. A Jewish lady sat next to me and saw I was reading the Bible. Her face lit up and she said, “Oh, would you read it to me?” (Usually talking about the Lord to a stranger isn’t that easy to get started!)
    I said, “Sure,” and she immediately added, “Would you read Matthew?” I knew that was the gospel written to the Jews that quoted all the O.T. messianic prophesies – clearly a divine appointment. I read to her, and by the end of the flight we had exchanged addresses. We kept in touch for years. I don’t know what ever happened to her, but I expect to see her in heaven with Yeshua. šŸ˜‰

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